Intellectual Property Rights

Welcome to Rosie Hong, a sanctuary where fashion innovation meets traditional tailoring. Our dedication to creating a custom and bespoke experience is evident in every stitch of fabric and every pixel of our state-of-the-art website. Our commitment extends beyond the physical to the online realm where we respect and protect intellectual rights in accordance with the law.

Rosie Hong’s website, a digital extension of our custom and bespoke tailoring service, is a creative work enshrined by intellectual property laws. Every element that comprises this site, including texts, tree structures, software, animations, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, logos, trademarks, designs, and models, exist as the exclusive property of Rosie Hong. We hold the sole right to use these intellectual property rights and the materials related to them.

Our pioneering efforts extend to the integration of 3D body scanning measurement and 3D visualization technologies. This allows us to offer a unique online service where customers from around the globe can obtain tailored garments with remarkable precision. In doing so, we create a synergy between innovative technology and the timeless art of tailoring.

In line with our ethos of sustainability and ethical fashion, Rosie Hong uses only premium eco-friendly and vegan materials. It is our belief that luxury and responsibility can coexist, thus we strive to lead by example in the fashion industry.

Our Legal page is a testament to the respect we have for our creations and the laws that protect them. We urge you to navigate & use our site with the assurance that your own data and consumer rights are given utmost respect and consideration, in harmony with Rosie Hong‘s values.

We remind our clients and visitors that any unauthorized use of this site or its contents for any purpose other than personal and non-commercial use is strictly prohibited.

For any questions or concerns pertaining to our intellectual property rights, please contact our legal department. We appreciate your interest in Rosie Hong and look forward to providing an unparalleled bespoke tailoring experience.

Thank you for respecting our intellectual property rights and for joining us on this journey of sartorial elegance and environmental consciousness.

Your style, precision-cut to perfection with a conscious touch – that’s the Rosie Hong promise.